The Traitor of Camelot by J Mendoza


The Book 

In The Traitor of Camelot, J explores nostalgia and mythology within the myth of King Arthur, while adding new twists to make his story. The Traitor of Camelot envisions the myth through Mordred’s eyes, showing how she and Arthur drifted apart due to their complicated history, only to fight side by side near the story’s end. 

Book: 8.5" x 11", 32 pages

About the Author 

Mendoza is a graphic visualizer and artist who lives in British Columbia, Canada. He was born in Manila, Philippines and later moved to Canada at age 6. He started drawing at a very young age, and it became one of his greatest strengths. He is best known for his environmental fantasy Nature and Machinery, The Traitor of Camelot, a revision of the myth of King Arthur, and the autistic superhero story, The Lost Mind of Sabine Lennox. Those stories combine family, friendship, love, and hope. 

The Process 

J brainstorms new ideas and takes inspiration from Japanese culture, specifically manga and anime. He also has a great interest in the environment and endangered species. J is currently taking Japanese lessons to help with his fluency. He even listens to Japanese music. His favourite shows are Gundam, My Hero Academia, Pokemon, Fruits Basket, Transformers: Prime, Beast Wars, The Mandalorian, Transformers Armada and BNA: Brand New Animal.